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Mindful : To be conscious or aware of something.

Com•mu•ni•ty : People gathering for a common purpose.

Rev•o•lu•tion : A forcible change in favor of a new system.

A Platform that requires action : WE are the CHANGE


News, Activity, and Notifications

Mary Poppins, who you follow, made a post

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John Smith, who you follow, left a review on your profile

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Your Future Wife, who you follow, commented on your post

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Your Future Wife, who you follow, started following you

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VIBEUP, who you follow, posted a new feature in the Library

2 hours ago

VIBEUP, who you follow, made a new post

45 minutes ago 

Mary Poppins, who you follow, made a post

45 minutes ago 

Mary Poppins, who you follow, made a post

45 minutes ago 

Mary Poppins, who you follow, made a post

45 minutes ago 

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