VIBEUP Daily Practices
We believe in the power of small, incremental changes that create lasting change. One drop of water repeatedly can carve out stone. And that's exactly what happens to the neuroplasticity in our brains, as we repeat and carve new pathways in our daily programming. That's why we create and will always offer for FREE, the VIBEUP Daily Practice Tracker.

There are 2 versions of it, digital and printed.
The digital version is a template with an example monthly + weekly + daily tracking, a black month for you to make your own, and example practices. We recommend saving the VIBEUP Daily Practice Tracker to your Bookmarks Tab, to your mobile-phone or iPad home screen, and keeping it up 24 hours per day, so it's always accessible and reminding you of your commitment. Click the link below to Make a Copy and make it your own.
The printed version has 2 pages with an intro, how-to with example practices, and the last page for print. It offers room for 25 practices to be tracked every month, daily gratitude and intention prompts to help you focus. We recommend printing your first 2 months at once and keeping them both with you or in a common place you go to offer or for sure daily: Your bed-stand, favorite chair, your coffee/tea mug, with a pen handy.
Intention: What is your intention? Get clear on this first. Be sure you are truly ready to start, and for the right reasons. We recommend journaling about this. Ask yourself a few questions: Why am I doing this? Who am I doing this for and what do I want to feel on the other side of it? Am I ready to commit to at least 30 days?
Accessible: Make the Tool accessible, both in location to you and in the goals you're setting. Start small, and grow. Small shifts can turn into massive change. Make sure the Tool is somewhere you can access easily, repeatedly, and in a way that becomes a part of your life.
Routine: Make it a daily practice to track your habits. We recommend first thing in the morning or after your morning routine, or before bed. You can also have fun doing it multiple times a day. But either way, make it a routine. "Stacking" habits is also a very valuable practice. See below.
Reminders: We find reminders very helpful to ingrain the changes and practices into your life. Set your phone alarm for a few times a day to send you a "Track Your Practices" reminder. You can set it for 5am with no sound on the alarm, so you wake rememebering to get started. Or something during the day or night. Also use your Google/iCal with a daily repeating reminder to wake up to or alert you. An accountability partner is also great. Do you have a friend, family, or loved one who can join you? VIBEUP will soon be offering community events to support each other as well.
Stacking: Habit Stacking is a term we learned by James Clear of the book Atomic Habits. It's where you literally stack your practices one on top of the other, to get more practices done more efficiently, whether that's morning, afternoon, or evening. A few examples: Morning: Wake early, make bed, drink water, 33 pushups/situps/squats, meditate, journal, walk outside barefoot = you just got 7 things done in easily under an hour and are off to an incredible day. You can do the same thing for afternoon: Reading, Tea, Journaling, Nap. Or evening: Floss, no phone time, self care massage, stretching, meditation. Stack your habits.
The VIBEUP Daily Practice Tracker is designed to help you cultivate healthy habits and create lasting change in your life, but this is just the start. Soon, we will be building a Practice Tracker directly into your profile, offering an Assessment to support your awareness, Coaches to guide you, and Events to utilize the power of community. Change starts within each of us. It's a blessing to have the responsibility to cause change in our lives, each others lives, our Planet, and the future.
Remember to be patient and compassionate with yourself. A flower grows from underground in darkness, through it's stem, storms, dark and light. It takes it's time, at nature's speed. Give yourself the same compassion and acceptance. Life is practice. You're already enough. You're already a beautiful flow.