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Mindful : To be conscious or aware of something.

Com•mu•ni•ty : People gathering for a common purpose.

Rev•o•lu•tion : A forcible change in favor of a new system.

A Platform that requires action : WE are the CHANGE

A Mindful Library of Conscious Consumption

Each Feature invites action. Features added weekly.


What Are The VIBEUP 4 Steps in Life? Foundation. Awakening. Healing. Living.

The VIBEUP 4 Steps in Conscious Evolution.

VIBEUP's Four Pillars offer a holistic approach to living a fulfilling and purposeful circle of life. A continuous spiral of experience sensations going through four stages of growth with any relationship your life has with any thing, and each pillar represents a different phase of our "hero’s journey". And together, they form a complete constant cycle of personal growth and development, whether one knows it or not. The goal is to know it’s happening, and to consciously practice it. With that, we offer the VIBEUP Four Stages of Growth. Recognize them happening more and more in all aspects of your life... the more we are aware, the more growth that comes to us. Be patient, and grateful with yourself. You're here to enjoy the experience of life growing through us.

The first pillar, Foundation.

Is all about establishing a strong foundation for ourselves contextually, and that means the opposite of knowing everything. It means being open to always being able to learn. If we say we know nothing, then we always can learn everything. This involves being curious, learning, developing self-awareness, and expansion. These practices help us to build a solid foundation upon which we can grow and thrive into new awakenings.

The second pillar, Awakening.

Is about discovery; discovering new truths, our true selves, and ultimately finding our passion and purpose in life. It's about waking up to who we really are and what we really want, why we’re each here, and taking steps towards living a life that is authentic and meaningful.

The third pillar, Healing.

Is the result of any awakening experience. An awakening provides new context in our foundation to learn and grow from. It’s about learning from and letting go of the past and embracing the present, in order to create a better future. This involves finding and acknowledging, and then releasing any hurts, pains, and traumas, from our lives, our lineage, or our history, that may be holding us back. Or, in other words, offering a change to grow. Embracing what the awakening offers up as a learning opportunity is an essential step in the process. Learning to cultivate and hold presence in the here and now with an open and compassionate heart will uphold the growth.

The fourth pillar, Living.

Is about applying the awakening, healing lessons into living it. Living our lives to the fullest in alignment with true well-being of self, others, and nature. It’s about taking aligned action towards our goals, and sharing our unique gifts with the world. It's about living with purpose and intention, and making a positive impact on the world around us. What have you learned from your awakening and healing experiences? How can you apply them to be better going forward? This is never ending.

We all live these pillars in some way, whether we are aware of it or not. However, once we become more conscious of this cycle of life and how it’s constantly flowing through us and every thought, feeling, relationship, trial, experience, and sensation, we can more fully embrace and live these pillars. By doing so, we can not only improve our own well-being, but also support and uplift those around us. What a gift! Not only does every choice and thought and action have an effect, it GETS to. This is consciously living, when you're choices are being made with awareness of their effect. And we can do so with humility and gratitude.

Together, we can create a positive and uplifting energy that benefits not only ourselves, but also those around us and the planet as a whole. By vibrating at a higher frequency, we can create a ripple effect that touches the lives of those around us and contributes to the collective vibration of the planet. We vibe up.


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